Experiencing So Much As The Bible Comes To Life

The days have been so full it’s been hard to find the time to sit and capture it all.  Perhaps this tidbit from our wonderful tour guide, Rimon, can help you get a sense of it.

Last night on the bus he said,

“Yesterday, you renewed and remembered wedding vows in Cana, where Jesus blessed a wedding with His first miracle.  Today, you renewed your baptismal vows in the Jordan river, where Jesus was baptized.  Now tomorrow you will celebrate Christmas in Bethlehem and the day after that you will get to celebrate Easter”

Wow!  Yes we are seeing so much as we have walked the trails Jesus travelled on, sat on the hillside where he gave the Sermon on the Mount, and stood by the quiet shore of the Sea of Galilee where Jesus restored Peter (see John 21).

Truly our souls have been restored as well!  And there is more to come!