All About Jerusalem, All About Jesus

Today, our group prepares to enter Old Jerusalem, but more importantly, we are praying for the power of this place, the very power of our Lord’s Salvation story to enter into us deeper than ever before.

After celebrating Christmas yesterday by visiting the church built over the cave where Jesus was born, we now prepare to have a Holy week experience and celebrate Easter.  We will be visiting the Jerusalem sites of the Gospels.

  • The Temple where He taught, and cleansed, and stood trial
  • The Upper Room where He gave us His Supper, even as He prepared to sacrifice His Body and Blood.
  • The Mount of Olives where He prayed in anguish and then experienced betrayal
  • The hill of Calvary where He died for the world He loved and came to save

Our day will conclude with communion together in the reverent stillness of the Garden Tomb area.  What an awesome blessing that we are sure will bring what and old hymn describes as “Easter triumph, Easter joy!”

Remember, He is risen.  Jesus is with you.  Jesus is for you.  His risen life is your life!  Alleluia!